HTML Project Lesson 6 - Preparing Your Site for Search Engines
Most people use search engines to find what they are looking for on the web. Yahoo, AltaVista, and Google are search engines that have become "household names". There are many companies who are very willing to take your money with the promise of getting you a favorable or even top ten listing on search engines. Unfortunately, these companies can't always be trusted. Some search engines will allow you to submit information online about your page.
Search engines use "robots" or "spiders" (computer programs that automatically search the web, recording information about pages they visit). These robots or spiders look at the title of your page (what is between the opening and closing <title> tags), then start scanning the text of your page, picking up key words or phrases. They store this information in their database. That database is in turn searched by people using their search engine.
There is a way to control or influence what the search engines will display for your page. Some search engines give higher priority to the attributes and values of the <meta> tags. You will be placing Keywords and a Description in your page. Both are very important. If you don't include this information, some search engines will just record the first few words of text on your page whether it represents your page well or not.
Open index.htm
Meta tags are always located in between the opening and closing <head> tags. Place the HTML shown below just after the opening <head> tag and just before the opening <title> tag.
Search engines use "robots" or "spiders" (computer programs that automatically search the web, recording information about pages they visit). These robots or spiders look at the title of your page (what is between the opening and closing <title> tags), then start scanning the text of your page, picking up key words or phrases. They store this information in their database. That database is in turn searched by people using their search engine.
There is a way to control or influence what the search engines will display for your page. Some search engines give higher priority to the attributes and values of the <meta> tags. You will be placing Keywords and a Description in your page. Both are very important. If you don't include this information, some search engines will just record the first few words of text on your page whether it represents your page well or not.
Open index.htm
Meta tags are always located in between the opening and closing <head> tags. Place the HTML shown below just after the opening <head> tag and just before the opening <title> tag.
NOTE: You could place these <meta> tags in all your pages, but it will suffice to place it only in the home page (index.htm), since that is the page you would like visitors to arrive at first.
Save index.htm and upload below
Save index.htm and upload below