How to make a game in Unity
Follow along with the videos below and submit game progress as you go.
Video 0 - Introduction
Video 1 - Basics
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 2 - Programming
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 3 - Movement
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 4 - Camera
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 5 - Collision
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 6 - Gameplay
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 7 - Score and UI
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
Video 8 - Game Over
Create game, zip it, and submit to Google Classroom. Call me over if you need help.
more to come...